There’s a lot that goes on when you’re emotionally triggered, from not being able to think clearly, to being unable to communicate what you want and need, to eventually pushing the people you love and care about away from you... Forget COVID-19, isolation with its associated loneliness is the biggest virus and killer known to humanity. It’s the main cause of stress, cardiovascular issues, high cholesterol, diabetes, depression and chronic illness, so let’s not go there. Happy is the New NormalInstead, let’s put on your “A” Game and develop healthy, happy relationships with the people closest to you as well as everyone else. This is part one of a series of 5 articles in which we will give you an overview of the Mind Renaissance lifestyle, where “happy” is the new normal. Mind Renaissance is about consciously evolving to the best you can be. It is not about a cliche, but actually more about the science of Epigenetics where your DNA is expressed through your genetics according to the choices you make. If you continue to operate your life from autopilot there is very little chance you will be happy. So playing your “A” Game is first about hacking your biology and rather than emotionally reacting to the numerous annoyances you come across every day, it’s about responding, engaging and communicating with the world from a place of calm. To do this, in this first article we will explain the key to Mind Renaissance - the Emotional Reset Technique. From the clock alarm insisting you get out of bed to not being able to find the car keys, or someone cutting in front of you and nearly causing an accident, you become emotionally triggered numerous times each day. Dealing with StressYour body’s self-protection system responds to potential threats and annoyances through your sophisticated nervous system. The autonomic nervous system has two distinct ways to protect you: fight/flight - where your body is prepared to do just that or freeze/shutdown - which is basically playing dead and hoping the threat will pass you by. When you are emotionally triggered you become fixated on the perceived threat to the exclusion of everything else and therefore find it difficult to think clearly, rationally or assimilate new information. The emotional reaction triggered by an external or internal (imagined) threat and the associated stress hormones including adrenaline and cortisol are constantly keeping your brain on high alert, and scanning for impending danger. This will often trigger unwanted emotional reactions, especially when you perceive a person or a situation to be an annoyance or a threat to your survival. Driving Your FerrariYou have been conditioned from a very young age to move away from perceived dangers, things that aren’t nice and how you don’t want to feel. This has formulated a mental program just like in a computer which operates the amazing hardware in your brain. Yet the program is continually scanning for threats, and guess what, that is what it finds. You’re running on auto-pilot using a program created when you were a child to operate and live your life and that's the scary part. Would you let a 7 year old child drive your car? What if it was a Ferrari like the one in your head? While humanity has evolved well beyond the dangers of being attacked by a saber-tooth tiger, your nervous system is still switched to the default mode based on survival - and is that how you want to continue to live? There is some good news however, actually, it is great news because you are now able to take the wheel and from there consciously evolve to the person you have always known you could be. It’s simply about changing the program from being focused on what you don’t want and don’t want to feel and start focusing on what you do want and do want to feel. And your incredible human machine has done all the hard work. Being Socially EngagedThanks to a breakthrough discovery developed over the past 40 years by Dr Stephen Porges your nervous system has evolved a much smarter way to deal with potential threats. The Social Engagement System (SES) allows you to first gauge, influence and diffuse a challenging situation through the use of your eyes, listening ability, facial expressions, physiology, hand gestures and tone of voice. The hierarchy of your nervous system is to first utilize your more evolved social engagement system to tend and befriend. If that doesn’t resolve the situation at hand then your self-preservation and protection system responses kick in. Most people habitually default to the ancient fight/flight - freeze/shutdown response as the associated neural pathways have been used most frequently. However, the social engagement system requires more conscious effort as it is the newer kid on the block. While it seems easier to get caught up in the heat of the moment and ride the waves of adrenaline and cortisol, constant release of these stress hormones not only result in unwanted behaviors which damage your relationships, but lead to increased inflammation which quickly leads to aging and other damage to your body. Enjoying the RideThe key to unlocking the Mind Renaissance lifestyle is the Emotional Reset Technique (ERT) which enables you to stay consciously engaged through your social engagement system at the first sign of a perceived annoyance or threat... without defaulting to a full-blown stress response and emotional reaction. This enables you to remain in a naturally empowered emotional state where you feel calm and open to new opportunities to connect to the people around you. This is the state that all your actions need to come from and this is when you are most creative, most inspired and most intelligent due to your brain being sharp and alert. From this place of calm, balance and poise you are probably for the first time able to stop looking through the lens of a child and start taking real accountability for your actions and the effects they create. You are from here able to evolve into your fully empowered human potential and enjoy the excitement of this ride called life. In association with the MATES Cafe charity project, Mind Renaissance™ helps to align your mind and emotions to empower your relationships and your life. Within the next article in this series we will explore the importance of getting clear on how you want to feel.
Why are feelings so important you ask? Because everything you do is ultimately for a feeling and being in alignment with how you want to feel is going to shape a life of happy healthy relationships and a whole lot of fun. Learn more about the power and benefits of Mind Renaissance Read the next article in this series: Being Superhuman is Reclaiming Your Super Power Mind Renaissance, incorporating the Emotional Reset Technique can be learned for a limited time through consultation via Skype or other video conferencing platforms. Take this opportunity now.
1 Comment
Rosemary Land Lester
18/7/2020 08:38:32 am
Excellent article. Having had a stroke 3 years ago with absolutely no physical symptoms or reasons with the exception of a Neurologist's assessment of flight or fight response of cortisol in my brain, this is very important to me and my family who work at keeping me 'grounded' from these risk factors. Thank you!
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