Without a clear understanding of how you want to feel throughout the day, you are like a ship without a rudder which can land you anywhere - and probably where you don’t want to be. Your core feeling is not only your natural state of being, it is your internal compass and is something that will always be there from which you can build the foundation of your life upon. However, constantly feeling emotionally triggered and hyper-aware of how you don’t want to feel drains your energy and makes you wonder why your life is lacking connection and meaning. If you are reliant on existential experiences to help you feel better, then eventually you will realize it is a trap and a dead end. Get Your Life on the Right TrackWow, we have so much to tell you and it is our passion to share with you how to get your life on the right track and for you to taste your real power. So hold onto your socks, as over the course of this series of articles we will explain how you can break free of the shackles of your haphazard subconscious programming. You will start to achieve mastery over how you want to feel, because as we have said, everything we do is ultimately for a feeling. Helping people through crisis for over two decades has shown some interesting similarities. Many people undergoing crises such as relationship breakdown, loss and grief, depression etc, mostly respond with the same one word reply when asked how they are feeling… “Good” and most people when you ask them what they want, say “I just want to be happy.” Are these real replies or some automatic scripted ideas about how one ‘should’ answer? Reprogramming Your BrainYour brain is programmed from an early age (2-6 years old) when you are basically in a hypnotic like trance state absorbing everything that happens around you and putting your own unique interpretation and understanding on it. However, the programs that are laid down are based on two main drivers of how you feel. Fear and moving away from what you don’t want and pleasure moving toward what you do want. One of the main ways you have interpreted what is what, is from eye contact and the facial expressions of your parents, carers and loved ones, and predominately the cues were fear-based, trying to keep you safe… “Don’t do that. Stop that! Come here, don’t go there.” Yes, there might be an undercurrent of love and nurture, but how does this shape your sense of the world when you are focused primarily on how you don’t want to feel? Your brain has a filtering system known as the Reticular Activating System (RAS) which allows you to experience whatever your brain has been programmed to pay attention to. It therefore makes sense that if you are programmed to focus primarily on how you don’t want to feel… pain, hurt, hunger, sad, lonely etc, then that is your main view of the narrow spectrum of your experience of the world. Maybe as children we had little choice as our parents and grandparents have just repeated the same programming but now we do have a choice. What if you could change your subconscious programming and reticular activating system to primarily focus on how you do want to feel? The Amazing Create-Whatever-You-Want MachineYou see, there is one great commonality we all have as humans… the human brain; an amazing create-whatever-you-want machine with the beauty and performance of the most eloquent Ferrari and yet we allow a six year old to drive it. Mind Renaissance uses the Emotional Reset Technique so we can take over the wheel and not only assure our safety but feel the raw power with what’s under the hood...vrroom! How it all works can be quite in-depth, yet the practical understanding and application is easy and almost done for you, so hang in there and we will explain. The beginning of something starts as an impulse, an idea, a seed, a concept, an atom or similar and therefore it is full of the potential it is destined to become. Of course, how it is shaped and formed is again dependent on many things over the course of that thing's life. The environment, location, access to what it needs to develop, mishaps and time all play a role. You Are Uniquely YouYour human DNA is a blueprint of who you may become, yet the expression of your DNA is dependent on many things. These things affect the way your genetic code is written to express your DNA - this is the idea behind the science of Epigenetics (See Dr Bruce Lipton). You are subject to numerous influences from a child into adulthood, yet the driving force behind this development is the potential you have within you to uniquely express yourself in the world and how you interact in it. One of the main influences you have on the development of your innate potential is your subconscious programming. Up until now just like a program running in a computer, you have been limited in the full expression of your potential by this very programming. It is said that by the time you leave school, the job you get, the car you drive, where you live, your career path, the type of person you marry are all mapped out for you. Fulfilling Your PotentialTo reach the fullest expression of your own unique potential, two factors need to be in alignment:
The challenge then is to somehow get beyond or below your flawed programming which is stopping you from seeing your true potential. Then it’s a matter of changing your programming so it is in alignment with the fullest expression of your potential. Happiness might therefore be interpreted as being directly proportional to the level of expression of your potential. The key to aligning your programming with your true potential is the Emotional Reset Technique which although being simple to apply in your practical life situation, has a very profound effect on your life. Bad Choices Have Bad EffectsIt is necessary to understand that one of the biggest causes of problems in our relationships and our life for that matter is emotional reactivity. We overreact emotionally when we feel unsafe, threatened, annoyed or think that things are not going our own way. We tend to react to the situation from an emotionally triggered, unbalanced state rather than a calm, empowered emotional state. The outcomes as we are sure you are aware from experience, are vastly different. There is a saying that when you are angry, you should do or say nothing. This is also true if you are in an unbalanced emotional state because the choices you make will generally have lasting negative effects on the environment around you and the people in it. Your interpretation of what you see as not going your way, feeling unsafe, threatened, or annoyed is mainly due to your programming which is based on memory. Memory of your perception of past experiences, what you know and understand, all of which is not necessarily true. It is just what you believe to be true and different to everyone else’s perception in some way. When you are emotionally triggered by a circumstance or situation, your body goes into high alert, meaning hormones such as adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol are preparing your nervous system to put your body into either fight/flight or freeze/shutdown mode for self-protection and preservation. What also occurs in this situation is the thinking part of your brain is temporarily bypassed by your emotional brain so you can act and react quickly. Allowing yourself to become emotionally triggered is usually not responding to the situation before you but reacting from your memory of past events and the belief system you have established. This system is quite archaic and from our primitive ancestral beginnings where there were many life-threatening situations around. Nowadays, there are relatively quite a few and rather than a saber-tooth tiger jumping out from behind the bush, we tend to react to annoyances, things not going our own way, or someone hurting our feelings as being life threatening - a little bit over the top (and most of the time regretfully so). Navigating Sticky SituationsThe good news is that we have developed a much more effective, efficient and responsive system that is called the Social Engagement System (SES - see Polyvagal Theory / Dr Stephen Porges). The SES helps us engage with the world around us and communicate our way out of sticky situations which might be seen as a more appropriate way to behave than fighting, running away, putting our head in the sand or playing dead. Why then, you ask, do we bypass the SES when it’s a far more effective system to use in our modern day life? The answer is simply that our programming which is generally fear-based opts for what it sees as a safer approach, being fight / flight or freeze / shutdown responses. This not only limits our thinking capacity but shuts down our Social Engagement System so we are less likely and able to communicate our way out of an emotionally triggered situation. The Emotional Reset Technique (ERT) in one simple gesture, does three crucial things to turn this whole situation around and literally transforms your life right in front of your eyes - it is here that you experience the power of choosing how you feel.
An Empowered Emotional StateAfter applying the Emotional Reset Technique and establishing an Empowered Emotional State you will realize your true power and creative potential. This means that you can become your own therapist; in charge of how you want to feel and your own life direction. Yes of course you need guidance, support and encouragement along the way and further insights in how to wield your new found power, so a like-minded community is also crucial for further development. We will break this down over the coming articles, yet for now acting from an empowered emotional state you will be able to:
Being in an empowered emotional state will enable you to tap into the enormous reservoir of creative potential in the part of the brain that makes us truly human, the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex is located at the front of the brain behind our forehead and within this is an area called the Central Executive Network (CEN). The CEN is in charge of our higher order goal-directed thoughts and hence our ability to consciously create our lives and everything in it. When we are emotionally triggered, this part of the brain shuts down to a large degree and we continue to operate on autopilot, from our memory and subconscious scripts or programming. The majority of humans only use around 1-5% of the CEN’s potential with 95-99% of our lives running automated scripts that have been created from a flawed program. As well as having foggy-brain syndrome, our greatest tool for engaging with the world is also shut down. The social engagement system (SES) opens to its full potential when we are in an empowered emotional state and therefore we have heightened empathetic communication skills and as the name implies, much better able to engage with the world around us. Seeing is BelievingOnce you understand the kinds of feelings you want to experience by aligning with your core nature and naturally generate these desired feelings from the inside, you stop being victim to emotional triggering from fear-based thinking and flawed programming. When you stop dwelling on your emotional reactions or those of others, you can use the insights gained from these experiences to get really clear on how you want to feel and what direction you want your life to take. This enables you to focus your energy and attention toward creating that life you want to live. Mind Renaissance truly exemplifies the saying, “Seeing is believing” Up until now because of the haphazard programming we have developed from childhood we have been unable to tap into our core nature and therefore unable to realise our true potential.
This amazing brain that we have in the dark cavity of our skulls has the ability to create whatever it is we imagine or dream about. The greatest use of this incredible creative machine is to express ourselves abundantly in the world by using our core feelings and values as a guide and a compass. This is why we say that everything we do is ultimately for a feeling. That core feeling that has been deeply buried under mountains of subconscious programing is now finally uncovered. In the next article, lets dust it off and see how experiencing that core feeling can help give us what we truly want in our life. First article in the Mind Renaissance series: Being Powerfully Attractive Means Living Your “A” Game In association with the MATES Cafe community project, Mind Renaissance™ helps to align your mind and emotions to empower your relationships and your life. Learn more about Mind Renaissance here. Mind Renaissance, incorporating the Emotional Reset Technique can be learned for a limited time through consultation via Skype or other video conferencing platforms. Take this opportunity now.
1 Comment
Prof. Jagdish Khatri
7/8/2020 08:40:21 pm
Excellent article! Provides enough matter for Mind Renaissance!
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